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Welcome to my Blog

It is such a great pleasure to have you visit the blog. Please subscribe in the box above by entering your email details. We often run giveaway gifts and competitions where you can win some fantastic makeup.

We do like to hear your views and for you to share your pictures here and on our facebook page. If you would like to write a 'guest blog' post please contact me or if you would like to talk about your business here on the blog please contact me at

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Change of name for the blog to mymakeupnet.

You will note we have changed our web address and name of the blog.  I thought it was time to have everything aligned?  Makes sense?  We really want to drive up the following and offer out some great incentives to get people to sign up?
So let your friends know that if they sign up they will go in the draw to win some free makeup from Limecrime and Sheer Miracle Minerals.  More details to be released next week.

Frocktober- this is a great cause

Frocktober is a festive fundraising initiative aiming to raise funds for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF).Through fun – and sometimes quirky – measures, Frocktober is all about:
  • Increasing the public’s awareness of ovarian cancer.
  • Promoting women’s health and wellbeing.
  • Celebrating the great diversity of shapes, sizes and colours women come in.
Essentially, Frocktober puts forward a challenge to girls, women and interested men far and wide:
To don a frock for a day, week, fortnight or a full month during October, and get sponsored for it!
So, be it borrowed, second-hand, vintage, home-made, your granny’s or that great dress you’ve just never had the right occasion to wear… get creative, get it on and get frocking with your sponsorships, all of which will be donated to the OCRF.
So dust off the Singer, stocktake your closet and hit the op shops, as this year October is Frocktober… open up your hearts and wardrobes – it’s a frockin’ good cause!
For any queries please contact us at

Pass this onto your friends please!

Friday, September 17, 2010


I want to give away some of the Lime Crime Magic Eye Dust pots that I have left in the old style stock.  So tell your friends to sign up and watch for the competition to win free makeup.  You will need to be signed up to the Blog to participate in the comp.

I have a variety of colours - but not a lot- but enough for us all to have some fun with!  Stay tuned for the announcement of Competition requirements.  cheers  Jill 

New from Lime Crime-Magic Eye Dust

It has been a long time since I updated the blog..and well there has been a lot going in my our business and my I hope you will keep reading.  Life sometimes takes over everything and does not allow us to do the things we love the most....ill health is usually one such problem and that has been the case here.  Not my ill health but within the family and it has taken all my time and strength to be supportive and kepp the business not time to blog at all. 

Anyway, things have now improved and there is some new product offerings from Lime Crime with more to come in the next few months.
I hope enjoy seeing the new packaging from Lime Crime, it is so cute and it now matches the Unicorn Lipstick cases.
The other exciting new is that the makeup is no Vegan Friendly and has always been Gluten free which is so important for a lot of people.

There are new colours as well and the one we love the best is Mischief Managed, do you think it is cute? We do..
Please let me know what you think of the colours and the music!  It is Doe Deere the creator of the Lime Crime brand.

Cheers for now Jill