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Saturday, April 7, 2012

elly b organic skincare - divine creams for your skin

I have used many of the elly b organic skincare products before and I keep coming back to them because they are divine to use and my skin responds so well to the products.
I just recieved my new order of the Creamy Coconut Cleanser and the Aromatic Hand cream which is just brilliant. 
I love the feel of the creams as well as the essentiaol oils that are used in them because they smell so good.  The hand cream is very rich so you dont need to use a lot and my hands feel so good after an application of this cream.  Read below the details for the hand cream..(ps its great on feet too)  When you use this you can close your eyes and think you are in a Day Spa because of the  perfume from the essential oils.

With Mandarin, Tangerine & Lavender essential oils this extremely nourishing cream helps to soothe & protect dry and dehydrated hands and feet. Organic Cocoa Butter and Organic Shea Butter together with specially selected Organic Plant & Nut Oils combine to provide a rich, concentrated & rejuvenating balm leaving the skin moisturised and hydrated. It has a long lasting effect on the skin.

Moisturising, soothing & protecting. Hydrates hands & feet. Divine essential oil combination.

Now to the face cleanser..................
My face cleanser is the Coconut one that I love so much, it is creamy and smells good and takes off all of my makeup with ease.  All of the ellyb cleansers do a great job of removing eye makeup so you  dont neet to buy makeup removers as well. 
If you need a new cleanser give these a try you will love the way they work and how good your skin feels and what great value they are. 

 Check out the whole rannge of Australian made Certified Organic Skincare and you will be very pleased you made the effort.  This range is truly the best range I have used in many a year..I am a big fan..

1 comment:

  1. It is really time to go natural and trust all those organic skincare products in the market. Met one of my friends recently who use to suffer from skin problems but now is happy resorting to the natural products in the market. Think it is time to change  Organic Skin Care Products
