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Welcome to my Blog

It is such a great pleasure to have you visit the blog. Please subscribe in the box above by entering your email details. We often run giveaway gifts and competitions where you can win some fantastic makeup.

We do like to hear your views and for you to share your pictures here and on our facebook page. If you would like to write a 'guest blog' post please contact me or if you would like to talk about your business here on the blog please contact me at

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Halloween is on the way and we want you to win!

Halloween is just around the corner and in Australia there is a growing trend to hold parties and to really get into it with great makeup creativity.

I want to have some fun and hope you will join in on the fun and so I want to see some really inspiring makeup looks for Halloween!

Please Subscribe here to our blog so you hear about other competitions also and tell your friends and then post all your best Halloween makeup looks on our face book page to enter a draw to win a $50.00 spending spree in the store - 

Just could get some free Limecrime Makeup or free Medusa Makeup, or tinted moisturiser or shapewear ......just for having some fun with your makeup!

The link to our face book page is right down the bottom of the page so go and take a look and see what we have to show you with our fans pictures. We would love you to 'Like' our page.

I love these eyes! Se the use of the Lashes for dramatic effect!

This was created using Styletto,Retrofuturist & and Gloss!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Gothic Vamp Makeup & Indy Brands

I love ‘indy’ makeup.  Its unique and creative and offers us something some of the major brands don’t..something different.  Major brands really are very much the same and when I shop the ‘indy’ brands I know I will find something exciting to bring to our customers. 

Read about Morgana and how she got started in her business making some very good quality lipsticks.

Beautiful Bold Lipsticks are a must and this one from Morgana is stunning

This is called 'Bees Knees" and is my favorite colour from the 1920's collection

Morgana Cryptoria is a woman owned small business located in Arizona.  Cryptoria is an expansion of Morgana Minerals, a company created in November 2006. 

From 2006-2008 Morgana spent time learning about ingredients, experimenting with formulas, & web design. In 2008, orders would trickle in once in awhile. By 2009, orders began to increase due to word of mouth. Mid 2009 Morgana Minerals began to get recognized by beauty blogs and started to get the exposure it really needed. 

In late 2010 Morgana opened Morgana Cryptoria & closed Morgana Minerals.

Morgana’s plan is to become less of a mineral makeup company and focus on traditional cosmetics while working on plans to expand into gothic clothing, decor, and jewellery in the future.

Morgana is mostly known for her famous handcrafted vegan lipsticks.

Do you aspire to start your own makeup range..if so we would love to hear from you and help promote your brand.
This brand is now avaiable in Australia from Lipsticks are $13.99