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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Makeup for me has always been about the eyes.
The colours, the impacts, the look.
Lime Crime is new and exciting. Set the pace with your look this Spring using Lime Crime makeup.

Read how this range came to being born, it is really a great story.
Buy Lime Crime now in Australia from
and get FREE post as well.

It all began with the tutorials. Xenia (aka Doe Deere), a freelance makeup artist & musician, began posting makeup tutorials on her blog. But it wasn't your average kind of makeup - every week an outrageous new edition contained detailed instructions on how you could transform yourself into a harlequin, a faerie, a pirate, an elf... It was more than just Halloween war paint; these bold, extravagant looks seemed to have just come off runway, or belonged on the face of the most stylish girl in a downtown NYC nightclub. Within months, Lime Crime tutorials became a staple in the makeup community, prompting thousands of requests for new looks and beauty advice.Meanwhile, Xenia was faced with a challenge: her favorite colors - electric blue, cosmic pink and her signature lime green - were notoriously hard to find! Eyeshadow looked bright in the box, but turned up a ghost version on the skin. Was a highly-pigmented, blendable, long-lasting eyeshadow too much to ask for?
Visit the store to buy at the lowest prices, Trade enquiries welcome.
RRP is $25.00 Other sites $19.00+postage

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lime Crime Eye Cours

How good is Lime Crime? Most eye shadows really dont live up to expecations do they? Well we have tried Lime Crime and this brand really does live up to the colours.
Lime Crime is newish to Australia and it won' be long before it is taken up all over the place. Get yours now while the prices are still at their lowest.
You can buy this brand from Smart Poppy at $19.00 plus postage or from Wholesale Beauty Products for $18.00 and you get free post..its a deal too good to miss out on.
Imagine having such a brilliant look!! This brand is used by Makeup Artisit -Australia's own Mishka. If you take a look at Mishka's blog she shows you how to use the brand.
You will love this brand, we guarantee it!! We love to hear about your experience with Lime Crime, so share your expereince or your tutorials with us.
Cheer Jill