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Saturday, November 13, 2010

10 Steps to Perfect Eye Brows

I have always wanted to have great eye brows!  Mine are really thin and ugly - well I think they are and no amount of waxing seems to really fix the problem.  I envy those that have great eye brows and when I saw this article I wanted to share it with others. 

So you guessed it- tomorrow I will have the pencils out to see how I go..let me know if this works for you?
Hot chicks like Rihanna, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry know that every hair counts, even if it’s not the hair on their head. Wait, that sounds dirty.
Technically, eyebrows are still ON YOUR HEAD, but you know what I mean! A bad brow game has you looking like the faces of a clown, and that ain’t cute.
1.  Start by facing directly forward into a mirror.
2.  Take an eyebrow pencil (or any straight edge) and place it against the outer edge of the nostril and the inside corner of your eye. This is where the eyebrow should start.
3.  Keeping the eyebrow pencil in place, dial it like a watch hand towards the pupil, stopping when it hits dead center. This is where the arch starts.
4.  Continue swinging the eyebrow pencil past the pupil, just outside the colored part of the eye. This is the high point of the arch; everything else comes back down.
5.  Swing the pencil towards the outermost corner of the eye. This is where the eyebrow should end.
6.  Brows should be thickest near the nose and thinnest at the outer edges of the eye.
7.  Invest in the proper tools. Recommend: Tweezerman-brand tweezers. They’re a Hollywood staple, plus they offer a repair service and lifetime guarantee.
8.  Face should be clean of any makeup or lotion prior to tweezing.
9.  Tweeze right after a shower, or place a warm washcloth over the brows; this will help to soften the hairs and open pores, making hairs easier and less painful to tweeze.
10. Wait at least 30-minutes after tweezing to apply makeup. Skin is more sensitive after tweezing, increasing the chances for irritation and ingrown hairs.

Writen by Wes Ferguson
Wes Ferguson was a mild-mannered computer geek until a printer accident gave him superhuman powers. Now he’s on a mission to make the world a little more fabulous, one blog at a time. Follow him on Twitter @Westopher

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